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was made the subject of a communication by Capt. Remington which was duly forwarded from this office. I have also presented it to the "American Missionary Association". There could be no more favorable opening for usefulness among freedmen.

Captain Geo H. Brannix Asst Supt has been on duty in my district but for a short time. It is my impression that he will not make a very zealous agent of the Bureau; his manner of keeping office records is not satisfactory.

County of Warrick.
Captain C.H. Warren Asst. Supt.
Office at Newport News.

The records of this office are kept in a creditable manner. Letters sent, indorsements, and letters received are duly entered in books. Orders and Circulars are complete. Letters received and retained copies of reports are filed.

There are no rations issued in this county; a few indigents [[strikethrough]] of it [[/strikethrough]] draw rations in Elizabeth City.