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There are no colored schools in this county; there is a great demand for at least two, which could be well sustained; but, owing to the remoteness of suitable locations for school houses, it is quiet impracticable for the Charitable Societies of the North, to sustain teachers there.

Capt. C.H. Warren Asst. Supt. is an active earnest officer, understands his district, and has the confidence of the freedmen.

Counties of Matthews and Gloucester
Lieut E.A. Chandler Asst Supt.
Office at Matthews Court House.

This office is in fair condition. Letters sent, have but recently been copies. Letters received, Circulars and orders appear to be preserved, but not in proper order. A Book containing names &c of persons to whom rations are issued in this county has been opened, but is incomplete. The correction of these faults in official records has been directed