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Lieut. E.A. Chandler, Asst. Supt., Matthews and Gloucester Counties, is faithful, energetic, and, I think, respected by all classes; his course appears to have been a judicious one.

Certain considerations are suggested by the foregoing to which attention is invited.

There are not less than one thousand absolute paupers in the counties of York and Elizabeth City - disabled, and sick, and helpless men, women, and children, for most of whom, as belonging elsewhere, these counties will not provide. They will be houseless and homeless at the end of this year. 

By the pressure of hunger, and the offer of [[strikethrough]] food and [[/strikethrough]] transportation and food elsewhere, money, say thirty (30) per cent of them, may be induced to go to their own counties; it is impossible to ascertain when, and to what extent, county poor houses will receive them; certainly they will not take all. There are some counties to which it will be almost impossible to [[strikethrough]] get [[/strikethrough]] transport government rations - the government does not