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having rented a small plot of land for the present year, they have nothing now to subsist upon and if the result should be as it is feared, I presume the discretion of the officer in charge will to a certain extent be allowed. The desire of this office is to see the immence floating population scattered to the counties to which they properly belong where they can obtain labor and place themselves in comfortable positions. The issuing of rations to "Freedmen" will be carefully guarded and only to prevent distress will they be allowed

I have the honor to be,
Very Respectfully
Your Ob'd't S'v't
F.J. Massey
1st Lieut 5th Regt. VRC
Asst Supt. York Co. Va

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Hd Qrs Asst Commr.

Through Genl S.C Armstrong
Supt 9th Disct. Va
Fort Monroe