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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Offc. Asst. Supt. Elizabeth City Co Va.
Fort Monroe 11 July 66

Brevet Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Richmond Va.


I have the honor to request transportation for the following named freedpeople to their former homes, to relive Government of their support and to prevent destitution.  to wit:

Charlotte Robinson, age 20 years (order 718) Harrisons Landing, Va.

Rolla Allen, age 30 years, City Point, Va. work engaged, (order 719)
Sara Allen & baby, age 24 years,  City Point, Va. work engaged, (order 719)
Hillie Allen, age 7 years,  City Point, Va. work engaged, (order 719)

Fanny Mills, age 25 years, Nelson Co Va (order 720)

very respectfully
Your ob't servant
Mont. S. Reed.
1st Lieut V.R.C. Asst. Supt.

Thro' Supt. 5th Dist Va.