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L.B.V2. p 13.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Headquarters, Superintendent Fifth District. Va.
Fort Monroe, Va.  July 20 1866

Bvt Brig Gen O Brown 

I have the honor to request a leave of absence of seven days to commence on Friday the 28th for the following reasons

I desire to attend commencement Exercises at my Alma Mater, Williams College Mass. a privilege from which I have been hitherto debarred by military duty.

I do not think Bureau interests would at all suffer from my absence as this is an unusually quiet season; and, should this request be granted, would respectfully suggest that Lieut M S Reed Asst Supt be authorized to perform the duties until my return.

I am General With Great Respect
Your obt Servt
S C Armstrong. Supt 5th Dist