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the benefit of the Freedmen of this Dist.

When Capt Flagg was relieved these hoes were turned over to Mr Pride a former Asst. Supt. on the Eastern [[Shore?]] Accomac Co. Mr Pride made efforts to sell them in Norfolk but on being informed that they had not paid duties &c he took them to Accomac Co. 

These hoes were valued at 3.50/100 to 4.00 dollars pr Doz. — Whether the wrong is with the Society who sent them here or with the men who finaly disposed of them I cannot say, but the Freedmen have received no benefit from them in this Dist, which would justify the Goverment in admitting them free and transporting them here

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. servt
Wm P. Austin
Capt VRC 
Supt 1st Dist

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-15 10:54:18