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E.B. 214. A.S.O. Bu 144, Recd Sept 11th 1866

Bureau R.F and AL
Hd Qrs Sub Dist. York & James City Cos.
Yorktown. Va. Sept. 11th 1866.

Respectfully returned, recommending the retention of the within mentioned "Farm".  It is the only property of any size in this County now in the possession of the Bureau.  The coming winter I fear is going to be one of great suffering to the Freedmen owing to the failure of crops, and to alleviate their condition so far as possible the above recommendation is offered 

The Farm referred to is seven miles from this place and if by any means one could be procured at a nearer distance it would be more advantageous, but until the same is obtained I would recommend that the within mentioned "Farm" be retained for the benefit of sick and indigent Freedmen.
K. T. Mayfield
Lieut 5th Regt. VRC
Supt. York and James City Cos.

[[stamp]] Hd Qr's Supt 5th Dist RECEIVED SEPT 14 1866 [[/stamp]]

E.B. 48. Vol. 2. O.S. 5th Dist Va.

Bureau R F and AL
Hd Qrs 5 Dist Va
Fort Monroe Sept 14th

Respectfully forwarded inviting attention to endorsement of Lieut Massey Asst Supt. SC Armstrong Supt 5th Dist Va.