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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 
Office Superintendant 1st District of Virginia.
Norfolk, Va., 22d August 1866.

Brvt. Lt. Col. James A. Bates
A. A. A. Gen Bureau Ref &c
Richmond Va.

Enclosed I have the honor to transmit the application of Miles Bright late of "H" Co. of 1st Regt. U.S.C.C. for ($100) One Hundred dollars retd Bounty.

I am Col,
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Svt.
Wm. P. Austin
Capt. V.R.C. A.A.Q.M. & Supt
1st Dist of Va

Transcription Notes:
bounty is veteran pay. Q.M. is for Quarter Master