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Glenbrook, York County, Va. Sept. 12th 66.

Lt F. I. Massey
Asst Supt. R.F & A.L.


Your communication bearing date Sept. 10th addressed to me as the Presiding Magistrate of York County, in which you allude to Circular No 10 recently issued by Major Gen'l Howard, expecting the Civil Authorities of the State to assume the responsibility of providing for the indigent Freedmen on the first day of October next, as the destitute ration will be withdrawn from that time.  That you had forwarded a copy of the said circular to the Board of Overseers of the Poor, and that you would like to hear from me as the Presiding Justice, in reference to this matter, and also the opinions of the other Civil Authorities of the County, as to what should be done, has been received. With all deference to Gen'l Howard I think this order should be modified or rescinded.  In Virginia the State does not as a state provide for the destitute, but each County, or City has to make [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] provision for their respective poor. In a former communication addressed to you in reference to the execution of the laws by the Civil Authorities of this County, I took occasion to allude

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-19 21:18:16