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County, the State has placed a revenue on Capitation Tax of only 28 cents pr head on each male adult, which would not if it could be collected throughout the State, defray the expenses of the Legislature when engaged the past winter in enacting laws promotive of their good as citizens.  I am informed by the Commr. of the Revenue for York, he has not been able to obtain the names of more than about one thousand which is a small proportion in reference to the entire population.

The Capitation Tax alluded to is also levied on the male white citizens.  Hence it does not seem reasonable to require the people of this county to support so large a proportion of this indigent and destitute people.  I would earnestly entreat you to give this subject your earliest and most serious attention, and invoke you for the sake of humanity to recommend the rescinding of this order, should it not be done then will, and must be starvation in reserve for a large number of both white and colored.  Feeling assured the facts [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] represented by me are fully known to you I hope you will fully corroborate, or endorse the same, and forward immediately to the higher Authorities so as to avert so serious a condition of affairs, as may be in part anticipated by the operations of the order alluded to -

I have the honor to be Very Respec
Your Obt. Servt.
Robt. H. Power M.D.
Prest: Just: York Co. Va.