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James Segar et. al. (cold.) vs. John Warren
Dfdt. plead guilty; sentenced to confinement, at hard labor, for three months.

Parker West white. vs. Jas. Lee et. al. cold
Rent, Trespass.
Plntff. allowed as follows, viz.
agn'st James Lee (Trespass.) Three Dollars.
agn'st Isaac Wilson (Rent.) Nine Dollars.
agn'st Giles Banks (Rent.) Fifteen Dollars.
agn'st Lewis Barrican (Rent.) Twelve Dollars.
agn'st John Baker (Trespass) One.50/100 Dollars.

September 19th.
E. Richarson J.P. For Whites.
M.S. Reed 1st Lieut. V.R.C. Asst. Supt Recorder

Susan Page cold. vs. Peton Page cold.
Assault & Battery.
Dfdt. plead guilty; - sentenced to confinement for five days.