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L.B. 223. Vol 2. 

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters, Superintendent Fifth District, Va. 
Fort Monroe, Va. October 16 1866

Brt. Brig Genl. O Brown:
A. A. A. G.
Richmond, Va.

I have the honor herewith to forward blank form for taking Census, which is somewhat different and more specific than the form furnished hitherto. It has been arranged after much deliberation and will, it is believed give a full and complete history and description in essential particulars of each man, woman, and child whose name shall be entered therein. 

I beg you will consider it and if possible cause a sufficient number of blanks to be printed according to said form and upon paper of equal size, of which there is at this office only a small quantity.

I will reiterate that the last Census pretended to include only a portion of the people of the County of Elizabeth City, while of York Co. there has been none whatever, and that which was taken was badly, inaccurately, and carelessly done. 

A thorough Census by the right men, would

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