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properly in the case, in obedience to the instructions which I had the honor to receive from you, and with a view to a more full investigation of the facts, I addressed a not to Mr Mosby requesting him to give me a full statement of the points as brought up in the above mentioned trial.

In his reply he states that the evidence in the case was strong and positive that the said Lucy Ann Crawford made violent threats against both the person and property of the said William F Amos: and that with the evidence before him he could not possibly have done less than he did, viz. bind her over to keep the peace for the next 12 months in the sum of fifty Dollars.

With regard to the produce, as no complaint had been made to him he could not give me the desired information.

I have the honor respectfully to submit the above, as a full statement of the facts in the case, so far as I have been cognizant of them, or have been able to learn them upon investigation.

I have the honor to be, General, 
Very Respectfully
Your obt serv't
Frank Ayers Jr.
Bvt Lt Col & Asst Supt.