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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Office Asst. Supt. Eliz: City Co: Va
Fort Monroe Va December 10th 1866

Lt Brig: Genl O. Brown,
I have the honor to request transportation for the following named freed people to their former home in order to relieve Government of their support & to prevent destitution Vg.

Order 105
Betsy Howard 47 Jamestown Va} Orig Co: sure of emply V
Ellen Howard 17 Jamestown Va}
Sally Howard 10 Jamestown VA}

Order 105
Sally Marks 25 Petersburg Va}Work engaged in the county
Rebecca Marks 8 Petersburg Va}

Order 1004
Leanna Allen 32 King Wm Co: House Va - Sure of emply V

Very repectfully
Your Obedt. Svt.
Monk S. Reed
1st Lt Asst Supt.