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Wise Farm Princess Anne Co. Va.
December 8th, 1866

Capt. Wm P Austin
Supt. R.F. and A.L.
First Dist of Va

I would respectfully report that in compliance with instructions received in your letter to me, of the 6th inst, relative to transporting certain persons to Wise Farm, that I sent team to Taylor Farm, for the purpose of removing the same persons, and that my teamster could not induce them to come, they all saying they were not ready, and could not be ready for some days.

I am Capt very respectfully, 
Your Obt Servt 
Morton Havens
Lt. and Asst Supt.
R.F and A.L.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-19 19:20:31 "Morton Havens" from the Virginia staff rosters