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Petersburg Dec 5th / 65

Major Brown

Dear Sir.
Captain Barnes writes to you by this mail in my behalf, and I also write to implore you to grant me a right to the cut wood which is on my small farm of 300 acres in Prince George.  My farm has been devastated, houses, fences &c destroyed, and a great deal of the wood cut and used by the U.S. Government.  There is now some corded wood on the place, and I beg you by the sigh, prayers, and tears of a widow to give me the immediate right to it, as it is the only means of subsistence that I have for myself and daughter, and without it we must perish. Unless you aid me promptly it will be sold in a few days. I am the only widow similarly situated in that section of the country and being 68 years of age and very needy I hope for an affirmation answer by return mail.

Yours most respectfully
Mrs Anne H. Bolling