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State of Virginia }
Town of Danville  } vs.

Harrison Robertson, a credible witness, this day personally appeared before me, an Alderman & Ex-officio a Justice of the Peace in & for the Town of Danville & State aforesaid, and made oath, upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God: -

That he was intimately acquainted with the history and circumstances of Helen V. Robertson, Littleton T Waller & Elizabeth C. Waller his wife, parties named in the will of William Roberts decd. late of Princess Anne County, Va.; that neither of them the said parties, is worth the sum of twenty thousand dollars, and that they are not, nor is any one of them, included in any of the classes of persons excepted from the benefits of the Amnesty proclaimed by the President of the United States May 29, 1865, but are all of them subjects of the Pardon & Amnesty thereby proclaimed: -

That, he had seen & examined the original certificates of the Provost Marshal of Norfolk City, dated some time in the month of May last, showing that the said Helen V. Robertson, L.T. Waller and Elizabeth C. Waller, had each taken the oath of Amnesty and Allegiance to the U.S. required by the Presidents Proclamation in force at that time; and that the said original certificates were forwarded by affidavit to Col. O. Brown Supt. R.F. & A. Lands for Virginia, at Richmond Va., within the last past month, to be filed with the application of Wm. Robertson & others pending for the restoration of a house & lot No. 87. & 89. E. Main St. Norfolk Va., and that he has since

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