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Roberts his personal representatives or assigns - And the said Wm. Roberts covenants to warrant generally the property hereby conveyed.  Witness the following signatures & seals.

Wm. Roberts  seal
H.B. Styron  seal
Moses Cason  seal
J.J. Burroughs  seal
Trustee -

At a Court held for Princess Anne County the 3rd day of October 1859 - This Deed was acknowledged by William Roberts, H.B. Styron, Moses Cason and J.J. Burroughs parties thereto, and ordered to be recorded -

J.J. Burroughs C.C.

A Copy Teste
J.J. Burroughs C.C.

Virginia - Princess Anne County, to wit:
I, John J. Burroughs clerk of the County Court of Princess Anne aforesaid, in the State of Virginia, do certify that as far as the records of the County show, no part of the Debts secured by the foregoing Deed in trust has been paid to the creditors H.B. Styron and Moses Cason; and moreover as administrator with the will annexed of said William Roberts decd. I have not paid any part of said debts for want of funds available for the purpose.  Given under my hand this 11th day of December 1865 (I have no seal, it was taken away by federal soldiers).

J.J. Burroughs C.C.

[[internal revenue stamp]] INTER. REVENUE CERTIFICATE and picture of George Washington [[/internal revenue stamp]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-23 22:19:01 Added C.C. to Burroughs' final signature, otherwise perfectly transcribed. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-24 12:35:22