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December 18th. 1860.  This is my will also that the increase of my female slaves born since the date of the whithin will and hereafter to be born shall go a long with the mother to the same persons to whom the mothers are given - This writing shall be taken as a second Codicil to my Will - whithin written.  This is written and signed wholly by my own hand.

Wm. Roberts

December 6th. 1861.  Believing that William Robertson is an alien enemy in this war - I hereby
revoke the provision made for him in my will above and direct that the share intended for him,
shall be distributed among the four other persons named in the same clause -

Wm Roberts.

At a Court held for Princess Anne County the 4th day of May 1863 - A paper writing purporting to be
the last Will and Testament of William Roberts deceased, was produced in Court by J.J. Burroughs,
and there being no subscribing witnesses thereto:

William P. Morgan and Elzy Burroughs were sworn, and severally deposed, that they are well acquainted with the Testators hand writing, and very believe the said writings and codicils thereafter written, and the name thereto subscribed to be wholly written by the Testator's own hands whereupon the said writing is ordered to be recorded -

And Harrison Robertson the executor therein named being absent; On the motion of J.J. Burroughs
who made oath thereto, and with Henry B. Styron and Adam R.L. Keeling his securities entered into and acknowledged a bond in the