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THE AMERICAN BAPTIST HOME MISSION SOCIETY, having the everlasting Gospel to preach to all of every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people in North America, solicits your hearty co-operation, your liberal contributions, and your effectual and fervent prayers.

Contributions may be forwarded to Rev. J.S. BACKUS, 132 Nassau Street, New York, for the support of Missionaries, or for the Freedmen's Fund, to support teachers South, or for the Church Edifice Fund, to aid in building meeting-houses. Any Baptist Church that pays Ten Dollars can be represented by a delegate at the annual meeting. Thirty Dollars will constitute you or your friend a Life Member, and One Hundred Dollars a Life Director. Give as you love your country. Give as you love Christ. Give as Christ gave for you. Give while you live: and before you die say in your Will: "I give dollars, for the purpose of the Society." For all of which we will give you credit and give to God the glory.

New York, Decr 26th 1865

Col. O. Brown,
Asst. Comr of Refugees &c


I have this day attempted to ship several cases of clothing for Freedmen, to yourself and Capt. Barnes. 

Captain Jennings A.Q.M. at this post informs me that the goods cannot be shipped at government expense, unless the order [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] of the Comr, or of one of the Assistant Comr. of Abandoned Lands &c, is furnished for the shipment.

Will you be pleased to forward to me the necessary orders leaving a blank place for the number of cases

I have the honor to be,
Very truly yours &c
Truman J. Backus.