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William Robertson, one of the children of Robert Robertson dec'd., late of Norfolk, Va., removed to Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, several years prior to the year 1861, and has continued to be a resident of Pennsylvania from that time to the present and is still residing in Pennsylvania. 

- That said William Robertson, took no part in the late "rebellion": but on the contrary, to the best of this affiant's knowledge & belief, was during a part of that period actually engaged in the naval service of the United States, as a Pursers Clerk, - and was during the whole period of the "rebellion", a loyal citizen of the United States.

- That said Wm. Robertson is not worth the sum of twenty thousand dollars, but on the contrary, is very poor. 

Harrison Robertson

Sworn to & subscribed this 13 day of Dec'r AD. 1865 before me the subscribee an Alderman & Ex officio a Justice of the Peace in & for the State of Virginia and Town of Danville aforesaid
A G Taylor Ald'n

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