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for the restoration of their property and by an official letter from Col. Brown's A.A.G. dated 15 Nov. 65 it appears that they were forwarded to Capt. Flagg asst. Supt. at Norfolk, to be filed with the other papers in the application.  
Harrison Robertson took the oath of allegiance at Danville V. May 1865, and filed the original certificate with his application for Special Pardon.  That Pardon having been granted [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] carries with it the evidence of his having taken the oath of allegiance.
The property has never been libelled for confiscation; but remains in the occupancy of the same persons Fallon & Hunt who were tenants of your Petitioner, when the Bureau took possession of the property.  Talen & Hunt then becoming tenants of the Bureau.
The papers [[?]] with their former application in this case being said to be lost or mislaid, by the officers of the Bureau, your Petitioners now file this new application; and respectfully request that the property may be returned to them without delay.
Your Petitioners file permits, then proof of title; evidence that the said property has never been libelled for confiscation; and the Power of attorney, authorizing the undersigned as their agent, to act for them in the premises
Richard H.  Baker Jr
Attorney in fact for the Petitioners.