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The following is an Abstract from a Deed from John E. Doyle and Mary J his wife to Richard H Baker Trustee for Thomas D. Warren &c dated the 2nd day of July 1860 of record in this Office.

Beginning at the line of the property sold by Tazwell Taylor Commissioner to George Wilson on the Street leading to Armsteads Bridge fifteen feet Southeast of the Brick Wall enclosing the Tanyard, thence along the line so sold to said Wilson, south seventy degrees west three hundred feet more or less to a small cove leading into Smith's Creek, thence northwesterly along the middle of said Cove to the channel of Smith's Creek thence beginning again at the first station and running along the line of the said Street leading from Armstead's Bridge south twenty degrees east two hundred and thirty feet to the line of the land belonging to George Newton's heirs thence South seventy four degrees west to the channel of Glebe Creek thence along the meanderings of the same to the channel of Smith's Creek, thence along the channel of Smith's Creek Northeasterly until it intersects the point in the middle of the Cove named in the second station, dividing the premises now conveyed from the premises aforesaid sold to Wilson as aforesaid. "excepting however so much of the lot of land just described as was sold and conveyed by the said John E. Doyle and wife to Jean M. Bonnot by deed bearing date the day of April 1859 and duly recorded. The other being all that tract, lot, piece or parcel of land known as Armstead Tannery and bounded as follows to wit." Beginning at the line of the lot next above conveyed on the Street leading from Armstead's