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The Asst. Comr. will understand the difficulty under which we have labored in the material we had as Asst. Supt., and added to their inefficiency, by (many of them) the frequent change attendant upon musters out.

The distance of the posts from this office, the irregularity of mail communication, renders it almost impossible to promptly hear of and remedy evils which may exist.

A tour of inspection over the greater part of our Dist. was made in Oct. and Nov. 1865, by Maj. Genl. Gibbon and myself occupying four weeks time. By personal converse with both classes, explaining the instructions and intentions of Govt, we are led to believe that a better understanding of their respective positions was attained, and by correcting any errors that might exist, good was accomplished by our visit - It was the intention of the Supt. then to visit the entire Dist, but the state of the roads as well as the press of business at this office has not since, or will at present admit of it.
