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B. 238. R.F. & A.L. Va. 2nd Vol. 1866. - 
Mecklenburg Co. Va Feby. 17. 1866

Give transportation

P. 115 1866

Powell James W. Jr. 
Capt. V.R.C & Bvt. Lt. Col U.S.V.
Asst Supt. 

Thomas Wagstaff a freedman has lost his foot from the frost, is a steady man & under treatment now by a Cold man costing the Bureau $4.00 pr. mo. can he be sent to Farmeville and when will transportation be provided. 

[[stamp]] RECEIVED OFFICE SUPT. 2d DIST. MAR 10 1866 [[/stamp]]

See L Book 3 V. 425. 

Recd back Meck Co. Mar 26 66 

Bureau R.F & A L 
Hd. Qrs. Supt 2d Dist
Petersburg. Feb 24/66

Resp'ty returned.

For the present it will be better to care for him where he is; the expense incurred will be allowed

Stuart Barnes
Capt. A.Q.M
and Supt 2d dist

EB. 364

Office Asst Supt. F.B.
Mecklenburg Co Va 
Clarksville Mch 6 66 

Respt. retd to Capt S. Barnes, Supt. 2 Dist Va. 
Hereafter board for the within named will cost $12.00 and his Doctor insists on some payment & is of little service. 
The foot was lost while he was shackled in winter of '64 - If properly attended to, he could soon earn his own living - I therefore respt. renew my request - 
Jas W Powell 
Bvt Lt Col & Asst Supt

Bureau R.F and A L 
Hd Qrs. Supt 2d Dist
Petersburg. Mar 10/66 

Respectfully referred to Col Brown Asst. Comr. 

As the expense of caring for this man is increased respectfully request that transportation be furnished him from Clarksville to Farmville 

[[stamp]] STATE OF VIRGINIA. BUREAU OF R.F. & A.L. *** RECD. HD. QRS. ASST. COMMISSIONER. MAR 12 1866 [[/stamp]]

Stuart Barnes 
Capt A.Q.M
and Supt 2d Dist

EB. 388

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