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Office Asst. Supt. F.B. 
Mecklenburg Co. Va
Clarkesville Feby 17. 66. 

Capt. S. Barnes. A.Q.M. 
Supt. 2nd Dist Va
Petersburg Va

I have the honor to present for information the case of Thomas Wagstaff, a freedman. This man has lost his right foot from effects of the frost, is without money or friends for support. I think he is a steady and, if in his power to be, industrious man. A colored man is treating his wound and I have agreed to pay $4.00 pr. mo. for his support. Can he be sent to Farmsville or elsewhere and when will transportation be furnished - He might be of service as doorkeeper. 

I am Capt. Very Respt. 
Yr Obt. Servt
Jas W Powell 
Capt. V.R.C. 
Bvt. Lt. Col U.S.A
Asst. Supt. 

Transportation order No 398 issued dated 13 Mch 1866.