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his voice as that of the person that called him out.

Names of persons that heard Wash Ashleigh make the within threats are William Weatherford and Miss L. Crenshaw.

Wm Ashleigh has a small seven barrel revolver capable of holding a ball about the size of the one that was shot into the "Ear" of "Willis" on the night of the murder.

Said Wm Ashleigh while at Keysville, Va a few days after the murder of "Willis" stated to a Mr Pretty store keeper at that place that he killed "Willis" and also stated that he has been warranted to appear at the Inquest of the d--n nigger and that he did not intend to go, this statement was told by said Mr Pretty to his father Mr Pretty a Tavern keeper at Keysville Va and to the Sherif of Charlotte County a Mr Richard Haulding. When the Coroner's Inquest was held almost every man for miles around was present but the aforesaid Ashleigh's and White's which is I think a fact worth noticing as I learn that some of them were warranted (summonsed) to be present themselves and failed to do so; this amoung many other things go to show that it was not the intention to find out who the guilty parties were and the Chief Magistrage a Doctor Baine afterwards stated "that they (Coroners Inquest) did not make any effort to find out who done it"

There cannot be any doubt that many of the parties who were present at the Inquest were will aware to say the least that said Ashleigh's had made threats against "Willis"

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-27 11:04:29