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this was sanctioned by Genl. Howard and finding nothing in U.S.A. Regulations prohibiting the investment of one's private funds in any legitimate enterprise, I leased on my own responsibility, the very farm of which I spoke to Genrl Howard, or rather I invested with a citizen a certain amt of money, the owner of the plantation who was without means, taking entire management  and control of the operations.
I have had no connection with its operations other than the investment of capital, have never visited the plantation but four or five times.
This enterprise was known to yourself and to your Inspectors, and until the order of Genl Howard of May I had no reason to believe it prejudicial to an officer or to the interests of the Bureau.
Upon seeing this, however, I immediately set about closing out my interest, which is today accomplished, having found a purchaser - from this date I have no interest in or connection with any cultivation of land either directly or indirectly.  Gen. Sewall and  Lt. Col. Mallery, Inspectors, visited me on Saturday, and  Genl. S. asked me if I was engaged in private enterprise.  I informed him that I was at that time,

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-25 19:21:27