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with judgment so as not to encourage the surplus population in remaining in the locality.

Mr. Sabb appreciated the fact that it would be impossible to get the present occupants of the farm away without military force, which under all the circumstances I could by no means assure him would be afforded for that purpose. He therefore modified his proposition to an application that the Bureau should rent the land for the next year.

The terms of rent proposed by [[?]] Reed was four hundred and fifty dollars for the year, and that fifty cords of wood should be taken by the Bureau. The applicants to have six acres for their own use, to be selected by themselves so as not to dispossess any actual occupant.

Mr. Sabb considered the proposal rent too low and desired more land for the heirs, but declined to make any distinct proposition.

I recommend that the farm be retained and if the terms of rent cannot be fixed by agreement that arbitration in the usual manner be resorted to, in order to fix the same.

Gavick Malloy
Captain 43 USI