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Mar'l said it was not used or needed by him, and he knew no reason for detaining it. Whereupon General Terry issued an order that I should be put in possession of the property for the estate, and this order was executed. I then leased it for the sum of Six Hundred Dollars a year, with the understanding that the poor people should have plenty of time to move off.

I apprehend it is only necessary that you should be informed of these facts in order to secure your action to prevent any interference with the present possession. The estate has been literally ruined by the rebellion_ a most worthy family is trying to save something from the wreck, and I am sure you will not undo what Gen. Terry has so properly done.
I have the honor to be
Very respectfully
Your fd. & obt. st
S. M. Bowman

P.S.  You will probably remember me as late Col. of Vols.

Transcription Notes:
Mar'l is abbreviation for Provost (previous page) Marshal. ** Remember to LEFT JUSTIFY ** ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-28 15:09:32