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Richmond Dec 9th 1865

Major Genl A.H. Terry
Commanding &c. &c.

Sir.  In order that you may have the case before you referred to in conversation, allow me to state:

The Island known as Brown's Island had been owned for many years by Hall Neilson now decd.  In 1860 Hall Neilson resided in Philadelphia, leaving an agent here to attend to his business.  He died just before the outbreak of the war.  His widow and children reside in Philadelphia still.

The so called Confederate Government seized this island and appropriated it for the purpose of a labratory.  On the evacuation of Richmond, the Provost Marshal took possession and appropriated the improvements to the use of families left destitute of homes by reason of the fire.

As agent for the widow and heirs at law of Hall Neilson decd. I desire to obtain the control of the property.  There can be no