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and on the day he was killed he went again to Quisenberry to ask for his pay. Quisenberry said to him "Washington this is the 3rd time you have been after me for pay for those shingles and you know that Mr. Pleasants is to thresh out my wheat to pay for them! You have no confidence in me! At the end of the year I will do what is right! Go away! Go away! I am going down to my hog pen and I warn you not to follow me! Quisenberry then went down to the hog pen (which I understood was a fence enclosure such as are common in the country) getting in and proceeded to throw out of it some ears of corn into the field, upon looking up he saw Green standing at or near the fence. Quisenberry drew his knife and flourishing it around exclaimed "didn't I warn you not to follow me" and struck Green just above the right collar bone with the knife. Green staggered back a few steps and fell down dead, an artery having been cut.

Mr Harris who is a neighbor of Quisenberry  stated in his testimony that Quisenberry came to him very much agitated and upon his asking him what was the matter he said "Oh I have killed my man Washington". Harris then went down to where the body was lying and found life entirely extinct. 

Transcription Notes:
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