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in relation to the burning of the School House, he stated that there had been quite a time in that vicinity, As two or more Yankee Officers belonging to the "Freedmen's Bureau," had been out investigating the matter - I inquired, if he knew their names. he said one was Genl Armstrong & Yankee Bartlett, but that they did not succeed in making out any thing.

I called on Mr Bartlett and got the following information - he (Mr. Bartlett) told me that a Col'd man named Lewis Shields (who lives with a Dr. King) was told by a Col'd man named Ned Drew, that Reeves King (Dr King's son) a boy about 18 years old and a man by the name of Walt Callam (who resides at Posang Island.) set fire to the School House and that one Mr W. H. Douglas the Leader of the School heard pistol shots fired in the morning after the fire just about sunrise - Mr Douglas has gone North - so that no information could be obtained from him.