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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Gordonsville, Va., June 21 1866. 

Genl O. Brown 
I forward you today all the papers in the case of Allen vs Moore, that I have been able to obtain, with the copies of endorsements in regard to the matter, which my book contains - Moore reported to me bringing a letter from yourself, directing the matter investigated. This was referred to Lieut. Murphy who returned the paper endorsed, & enclosed the affidavits of witnesses. These were sent to you. A Military Commission was convened to try Allen & he was sent to Charlottesville. The officers comprising the commission were mustered out of service before the case could be heard. Several of these officers informed me that Allen produced a very unfavorable impression both by his manner & conversation. It was stated by some one that Allen was discharged for want of Proof to convict him

This is a mistake. He was not tried at all & for the reason above stated - 
Yours very Truly
T. Frank P Crandon 
Bvt Maj & A.Q.M
Supt 4 Dist Va