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EB 230 O.S. 9th Dist. Va. 6. 24, 1866.
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Hd. Qs 9 Dist Va
Fort Monroe June 24'66
Respectfully forwarded
But one set of papers from Mr Cook, applying for his land, have passed through this office; according to the records.

S C Armstrong
Supt 9 Dist Va

Bureau R.F. and A.L
Hd. Qrs. Asst: Comr., Va,
Richmond Va, 6th July /66.

Respectfully returned to S.C. Armstrong, Supt. 
with the information that "proof of title" and the certificate of the Dist Supt: that the restoration of this property will not result in suffering to the Freedmen thereon, is required.

The rest of the papers in this case are on file in this office.

By order of Maj Genl A.H. Terry
Asst Comr
H Neide
Inspr & AAAG

E & M 2d.V.259

Recd O.S. 9th Dist. Va. 7.8.1866.
E.B. O.S. 5. Dist. Va. 7.9.1866.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Hd. Qs. 9 Dist. Va.
Fort Monroe July 9th 66.

Respectfully returned to Lieut Massey Asst Supt. inviting attention