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   In the amended petition of S G. Cooke he would respectfully state that his land referred to in his original petition is bounded as follows on the North by the public road leading from Yorktown to Lee's Mill on the East by the lands of Patrick McCauly & als.  on the South by the lands of Miles Curtis' heirs & on the  West by the lands of Edwd Burchers heirs that he is not included in any of the excepted classes of the Amnesty proclamation of his excellency Andrew Johnson of May 29 1865 - That he has subscribed the oath prescribed in said proclamation - that he is not worth twenty thousand dollars and claims to be & is a loyal citizen of the U. States and he makes this a part of his original petition.

State of Virginia
Warwick Coty
to wit:
Personally appeared before me a justice of the peace for Coty & State aforesaid S G Cooke & made oath that the facts set forth in the above petition 

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Bartlett Station

S. G. Cook
Applies for the restoration of his farm in Warwick Co Va also for the rents that have accrued the present year to be given him

Office Agent of Bureau Freedmen &c
Bartlett Station Dec 22
Respectfully forwarded to Capt C. B. Wilder A.Q M & C
Supt Bureau R.F & A L.
Wm Barlett
I respectfully recommend that Mr S. G Cook have his farm named in the application restored to him I would also state that the farm contains one hundred acres of tillage land & is occupied by only colored family. Mr Cook has agreed with me in case he does not go on said farm to live himself he will let the present tenant remain there on the same terms he has agreed to let the York County Lands
Wm Bartlett

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