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The compulsory resignation of the magistrate, who heard the case. his life being threatened for the official action he took in the matter. The immediate election to fill his (Dr. Baines) place. of a Mr Tally, who was known as the intimate friend of the accused. and who had organized a gang to resist the authorities in case Ashwell should not be acquitted. 

2nd. The official opinion, of The Commonwealth Attorney, of the County, who informed me, that he beleived Ashwell was guilty of the murder, but owing to the witnesses, being threatened, the prisoner could not be found guilty by any civil court. he expressed it as his opinion, that if the case was tried by a Freedmen's Court, or a Military Commission- that he was confident Ashwell would be found guilty, as then no opportunity would be allowed to intimidate or bully the witnesses. He also stated his desire to see the case tried by the Military Authorities. that if Ashwell was allowed to remain unmolested the injurious precedent thus set. would encourage to unlawful deeds. a gang of cut throats and Robbers now infesting that County. 

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