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it would require at least three months constant traveling to take the census of the three counties comprising my "sub district"  Now sir I humbly beg that you will allow me to retain my clerk until the census has been taken, a private soldier (I allude to your suggestion while I was in Richmond) could not subsist upon his pay here, and as an officer I would not feel at liberty to take him into my home or give him a seat at my table  

The removal of my clerk at this time would be looked upon by the people as another evidence of the weakness of the Bureau and would only serve to increase the already unbearable hostility displayed towards me  

Had I met Gen Neide as I hoped to do I think I could have convinced him of the necessity of being allowed to retain my clerk _ Hoping this letter shall not have been written in vain _

I am Gen'l yours with 
Fraternal Devotion
G B Carse