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D.71. RF&AL Va 3d V. 66

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters, Superintendent 2d District,
Petersburg, Va, July 6th 1866

Resp'ty referred to Lieut. Buffum Asst Supt for immediate investigation and report.
If the facts are as stated within, you will see that no proceedings are taken on this mans property until the case has been investigated

Stuart Barnes
Capt and Asst Qr Mr
Supt 2d Dist

EB. 66 2d Vol }
Recd, Halifax C.H. July 10th, 1866

Office Asst Supt BR.F and A,L
Halifax C.H. July 27/66

Respectfully returned through tha Office Supt 2d District, together with statement of Clerk of Circuit Court, in reference to the present state of the suit of Rudd vs Dejarnett. I have notified Dejarnett to appear at this office, but he has thus far failed to do so. from all the information I can gather, he has not been disturbed in his property, nor will he be until, the case has been tried, which will be in October next, at which trial I shall be present and report if any injustice is done the Defdt.

Geo H Buffum
Lieut & Asst Supt BRF&AL
for Halifax Co Va

[[stamp]] STATE OF VIRGINIA. BUREAU OF R. F. & A. L. RECD. HD. QRS. ASST. COMMISSIONER. JUL 31 1866 [[/stamp]]