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There are great difficulties in the way of it.

  The Superintendent has lately ordered a change in the locality where colored persons can be buried, if buried there at all, changing it from a soil, where graves could be readily dug to a depth of six (6) feet, to one full of rocks, at a short distance below the surface, so that most of the excavation must be done by blasting, which in a hard rock so far beneath the ground, is a very tedious and difficult process, requiring to go to that depth many hours of the labor of several men to prepare a single grave. As I am informed that this is the only portion of the Cemetery where these difficulties in digging are encountered, and that the change of location has so lately been made, I can only look up on it, as a part of the constant and determined effort to drive us out of the Cemetery, unless they can enforce the commission they demand.

I am with much respect
Your Obdt Servant
J J De Lamater
Surg. USV and chf Med. Offr. State Va.
Bureau R.F. and A. Lands.