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Bureau R.F. & A. Lands
Off. A. Supt. Amelia & Powhatan CP.
Amelia CH Oct. 10th, 1866

Bvt Brig Genl O. Browne
Dr Sir

I take this liberty of addressing you unofficially from the fact that I am aware my request could not be regarded coming before you in any other way.  I desire Leave of Absence to enable me to go to my home in Maryland to be present at the accouchement of my Wife, which circumstance will take place between the 20th and 31st of this month.

I am aware of the delicate nature of this request, but trusting in the affiliation which naturally exists between all gentlemen similarly situated I am emboldened to make known to you, in this manner, my situation.

Owing to having had

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-06 23:03:04 accouchement = "A confinement during childbirth; a lying-in."