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Lynchburg Oct 31st 1866
Isaac T Wodell Esq

Dear Sir

Yours of the 16th October Received and having been laid before the Board of Overseers of the Poor for the County of Campbell, I am directed to say in reply to your communication that arrangements are in progress for the reception of Coloured destitute freedmen, and will be perfected we think by the 15th of december ensuing. We cannot provide for them earlier than the time above specified owing to the embarrassed  condition of the taxe payers of this County

Yours Very Respectfully
E J Early
President of Board

Lieut J.P. Modell

The Buildings are now being erected and will not be completed before the time above mentioned

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-07 22:42:41 This was marked for Review, eventhough there were 4 [[??]]