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New Applications for Retained Bounty from A.S. Flagg, Norfolk, Va. Apr. 20, '66

[[5 columned table]]
| Name. | Rank. | Copy of discharge which the man exhibited. | Amount claimed | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Archer Tines | Prv't. C. 1st C.C. | Saw Brown & Leonard's receipt for dis. retd vouchers sent | $100.- | I enclose the certificate, presented in person. |

| James Forman | Prv't D. 1st C.C. | Saw Brown & Leonard's receipt for dis. retd vouchers sent | 100.- | I enclose the certificate, presented in person. |

| John May | Prv't B. 1st C.C. | Enlist 7 Sept. Dis. Feb. 4, 1866 retd vouchers sent | 100.- | I enclose the certificate, presented in person. |

| Albert Fletcher | Prv't C. 1st C.C. | Saw Brown & Leonard's rc't for dis. retd vouchers sent | 100.- | I enclose the certificate, presented in person. |

| Henry Lockett | Prv't A. 1st C.C. | Saw Brown & Leonard's rc't for dis. retd vouchers sent | 100.- | I enclose the certificate, presented in person. |

| Henry Williams | Prv't B. 1st C.C. | Enlisted 4 Nov. 64. Dis 4 Feb. 1866. retd vouchers sent | 100.- | I enclose the certificate, presented in person. |

| Isam Hill | Prv't F. 1st C.C. | Saw Brown & Leonard's rc't for dis. retd vouchers sent | 108.33/100 | I enclose the certificate, presented in person. |

| William Lockett | Prv't A. 1st C.C. | Saw Brown & Leonard's rc't for dis. retd to Capt Flagg | 100. | Has lost certificate. I send affidavit |

| Richard Stephens | Prv't H. 2d C.C. | His dis. is at Wash't'n. I saw r'c't. retd | 100.- | Has lost certificate. I send affidavit |

| Wilson Dozier | Prv't H. 2d C.C. | His dis. is at Wash't'n. I saw r'c't. voucher sent | 100.- | Has lost certificate. I send affidavit |

| Alexander Paden | Prvt I. 1st C.C. | - sent to Washington | 100.- | I send Power of Att'y to James A. Bates. |

| John T. Gilchrist (?) | Prv't C. 1st CC | He pronounces his name badly I think I have it right. retd to Capt Flagg | 100.- | I send Power of Att'y to James A. Bates. |

| Edward Bray | Prv't B. 2d C.C. | - retd to Capt Flagg | 100.- | I send Power of Att'y to James A. Bates. |

| Arthur Beasely or Beasle | Prv't I. 1st C.C. | - [[strikethrough]] retd to Washington [[/strikethrough]] retd to Capt Flagg | 100.- | I send Power of Att'y to James A. Bates. |

| W'm H Reed | Prvt H. 2d C.C. | - retd to Capt Flagg | 100.- | I send Power of Att'y to James A. Bates. |

| Charles Jarvis | Prvt D. 1st C.C. | - retd to Capt Flagg | 100.- | I send Power of Att'y to James A. Bates. |

| Jacob Campbell | Prvt A. 2d C.C. | - sent to Washington | 100.- | I send Power of Att'y to James A. Bates. |

| William Cuffee | Prvt I. 1st C.C. | - sent to Washington | 100.- | I send Power of Att'y to James A. Bates. |

| Dennis Evans | Prv't D. 1st C.C. | - sent to Washington | 100.- | I send Power of Att'y to James A. Bates. |

|   |   |   | 1900.- |   |

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