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Same evening and after confessing the crime - also that he murdered a colored man last Fall and that he wishes to kill another white 'man - he was hung to a tree by the citizens and there remained until morning when his body was taken down, and placed in a church, by some colored people. I knew nothing of this affair until about noon of the 13th. I immediately went down and saw Mrs Drummond and the colored woman, who were alive at the time with no prospect of recovery. I said nothing about arresting any one, but went down, as I thought it my duty, at the time and have given you the facts of the case as near as I can learn them. The civil authorities have taken no action in the matter yet.

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obd't Servt
(signed) Geo H French
1st Lieut. and Asst Supt &c.

True Copy

Capt A Q M and Supt
1st Dist of Va