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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Office Asst Supt Princess Anne County Va 
Princess Anne County Va April 19 1866

Capt A S Flagg A.Q.M. and 
Supt 1st District of Va


In obedience to instructions "Head Quarters Asst Comm. Richmond Va April 16 1866 to "furnish without delay information of any demand there may be for labor in your (my) district, and for how many freedmen there in such demand &c" I have the honor to report, than in the part of Princess Anne most distant from Norfolk there is much enquiring for farm labor and $12 pr month is offered for first Class Farm hands. In most or perhaps rather in many cases the farmers have not the means at command, to pay wages monthly; but are willing to work the land on shares or secure partial deferred payments.  There is however a decided indisposition on the part of the freemen to go any distance from the city and the season is rapidly passing for planting so that if the labor is not furnished now, little will be wanted to take care of the crops. Nearer the city there is an ample supply of labor and $10 pr month is the general rate of pay for good farm hands.  Few however are willing to make contracts for the year, preferring to do job work by the day, waiting I expect for revival in the business of wood chopping, and still more expending their labor on wild ground, which the owners, for the purpose of having cleared and grubbed without expense, have allowed them to settle on rent free for one to three years.