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"calculated to call forth remark."

Mr Samuel H Bent says - "I cannot support the charges.  It is all a piece of spite work on the part of Dr Gray against Col Chipman."

As my stay at this place is naturally limited and not having it in my power to await the arrival of the other witnesses mentioned I thought it advisable to consult with some other citizens of the place in relation to the matter

Mr Newman, Collector of the Port said "That he has known Col Chipman for some time. That he (Newman) is also the Proprietor of a Bar-room. Has never seen Col Chipman in the condition alledged; certainly never in a condition to be unable to perform his proper duties. Knows him to be exceedingly popular with the citizens."

Mr Leavitt states "Col Chipman visits his store daily and that he has never seen him drunk."

Mr Greenwood, Proprietor of another Bar Room states - "Has never seen Col Chipman in the condition alledged, certainly never in a condition to be unable to perform his legitimate duties. His administration of affairs at Yorktown has and continues to give great satisfaction to the citizens."

I would merely state in conclusion that my Inspection

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-12 16:41:09