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Bureau of R F. and A L.
Martinsburgh W Va
Jan 31st 1866,

Wm McKenzie
Asst Supt &c
H. 82. R.F. & A.L. Va. 1866.

Reports in brief as follows.
Freedmen's Court organized. Good men on it. Commence sessions in a few days. Prejudice exists against the Freedmen and particularly agt the Freedmen's schools. The disloyal element have attempted to break up the latter by mob-interference. Parties caught arrested - locked up and thinks it has had the effect of stopping it. Refers to another instance in which a mob attempted to break up a night school but were foiled and driven off. Ask for a small detachment of troops to prevent this. Complains of discharged Union soldiers as being among the disloyal. Ask for clothing to issue to the needy.

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