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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c.
Office A. Supt. Prince William Co. Va
Brentsville Va February 27" 1866.

Maj. James Johnson
Supt. 10" Va District.

The enclosed letter from Mrs. Holland &c. was forwarded from Brandonville W. Va where I suppose it was mis-sent, and reached me this morning. I am compelled to be so ungallant as to controvert the statements of Mrs. H. from beginning to end. You will recollect that when I came here rations were being furnished to Emily Davis and her children, whose ages ranged from four to nine years. I made requisition for more for her, but only once, for I saw that with a little encouragement she could get along without them. She was a young able-bodied woman, and had a good house to live in, and plenty of work to do about the village. Besides I clothed her and her children very comfortably with a part of the sanitary stores you sent me, and procured a good home for one of her little girls, in the family where I am boarding. She agreed with me that she could support herself, and did do it well until she was taken sick. Then she was again in need of help, and I immediately sent you a requisition for rations

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-08 19:44:27