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are roveing about the streets drunk singing rebel songs and making the night hideous, some time ago the civil authorities attempted to put a stop to this and made several arrests, but the night following the students and cadets turned out "en masse"  They went to the house of the town Sergeant and called on him to come out which he did not do.  Then they began a calathumpian, blowing horns and making all the noise they could -

They visited the house of the mayor of the town and if I am not much mistaken disturbed his slumbers somewhat.  As the citizens of the place would not support the Mayor and the constable they offered their resignations which were not accepted.  Now these young men have evidently come to the conclusion that there is no law or authority here that they are bound to respect.  They are banded together and I believe would resist by force any attempt that might be made by any authority to arrest them - I am constantly expecting an attackt will be made upon me ere long as it is an evident fact that things are growing worse every day - But I am prepared for them and will endeavor to hold my own as long I can load and fire -

The colored people are desirous of celebrating the ninth day of April as the anniversary of the day on which they became